
Album Release and Show Friday

Dear Friends,
We have just finished recording, Combat Rap, our first CD!! As we finish mixing and mastering the 65 minute 11 track album, we will be posting the songs on our myspace so you can hear them. The diverse arrangement of songs is the culmination of the two years we have spent working together. Simply put this album is epic and revolutionary. We will release the CD on October 10th at a venue TBA at a later date.

As our member's are soon to be scattered throughout the country in pursuit of other positive endeavors, I regret to inform you that we only have two more foreseeable shows.

We will be at the Calvert house Friday August 14th with two of our favorite bands, The Lost Tourists and Hammer No More the Fingers.

check out the myspace pages: http://www.myspace.com/hnmtf

Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=5745414&ref=profile#/event.php?eid=111845344867&ref=ts

To coalesce in celebration of life and music with us one more time, or for the first time is surely to be a great pursuit.

What we hold in our hands is hope.

Davey and Lonely Are The Brave