This just in: The Escape Artist has pulled out of the May 15th Calvert House show due to work conflicts.
As their name suggests, they are in the business of getting out of tight situations. Even Houdini would tell you that the physics of space and time don't allow you to be in two places at once albeit the will present.
All is not lost.
We hope everyone still comes out on Friday with their party socks on. A show with fewer bands means longer sets for the bands playing so we'll see what we can cook up in the cauldron for ya. We'll have some brand new shirts for y'all to check out as well as a new combat jam to rock to (fingers crossed).
Eat People!
Red Collar
Lonely are the Brave
Calvert House Tavern
6211 Baltimore Ave.
Riverdale, MD
Doors open at 9pm