
Album Release and Show Friday

Dear Friends,
We have just finished recording, Combat Rap, our first CD!! As we finish mixing and mastering the 65 minute 11 track album, we will be posting the songs on our myspace so you can hear them. The diverse arrangement of songs is the culmination of the two years we have spent working together. Simply put this album is epic and revolutionary. We will release the CD on October 10th at a venue TBA at a later date.

As our member's are soon to be scattered throughout the country in pursuit of other positive endeavors, I regret to inform you that we only have two more foreseeable shows.

We will be at the Calvert house Friday August 14th with two of our favorite bands, The Lost Tourists and Hammer No More the Fingers.

check out the myspace pages: http://www.myspace.com/hnmtf

Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=5745414&ref=profile#/event.php?eid=111845344867&ref=ts

To coalesce in celebration of life and music with us one more time, or for the first time is surely to be a great pursuit.

What we hold in our hands is hope.

Davey and Lonely Are The Brave


Watershed Lyrics

This song took me some time to piece together. I just wanted to share the lyrics with some folks. This will be on Lonely Are The Brave's upcoming full length album due out on August 15th. --more details to come. I will be recording these vocals on Tuesday June 30th. - Davey


Verse 1
Thunderstorms brew and release into mountain streams.
The land shape shifts; it's dancing with the bank's width.
The water streaks fingers inviting me to consume.
But dare I drink the water that has flowed over this land?

Chorus 1
Constant and unyielding; water flows
Caressing life into new being
Nourishing the natural
Our watershed supports our sanctity

Verse 2
Bulldozer's move earth into mountain streams.
The land shape shifts; impressed upon by man's makeshift.
The water's streaks envelope the land's toxicity.
But dare I drink the water that has flowed over this land?

Chorus 2
The dead zone expands capital
An algal blooms an economy
As we succumb to the undertow
Our watershed magnifies our impurity

Verse 3
Heavy with the weight of progress for progresses sake
The eastern to western shoreline subsides into the wake.
When the pavement holds all that the water can't take
the decimated expanse will bring the end of our days.


Intro Words by Eugene Hutz - Gogol Bordello

Hey just read this on Gogol Bordello's Myspace. Thought it was pertinent to any discussion on music.


There are many of us for whom music is an irreplaceable part of life. We rely on it to take us out of sadness, pressures of poverty, youth, age, etc. Mixed with alcohol it seems to be a remedy for just about anything, be it a rapid fire of notes exploding in catharsis all over the major key, or an obsessive marathon of soul-searching sounds crawling around minor key... it all appears somehow more solid and present in our lives than materials, something we can always address and hold on to. At its best, music connects us to a feeling as large as the whole goddamn universe itself...

Of course, sometimes, when sober, we can say, "Well, after all, it's just music..." Yet everywhere you'll go, in every culture, you'll see its major royal presence. Some say with a straight up claim that music is the essence of life (for example: Wlodzimier Staniewski with his theatre group Gardzienice (Musicality of Earth, or see Praktyki teatralne W. Staniewski Test, Lublin, 97, Poland)); I join in with them. Others see it more as an enhancing luxurious amusement-like activity. Sure, I'm down with that too, but one way or another, both positions advocate its primal positive powers.

Often you will hear people talking about a concert they've experienced for years! Why? In Gypsy mythology they say it is memorable because the devil visited that room; others say the other guy was there. But one way or another they all link it to supernatural...

Considering its power, it is not impossible to think of music making as a sacred art discipline and, for example, in anthropological tribal studies, the medicine man functions are not really differentiated from musicians. But let's not get too anthropological on your ass... these are just elementary streamline reminders of musics rocking good and what it could do.

But instead, saturated with garbage, airways discredit this art and separate people from the power and meaning of music. Rivers of meaningless puke are poured into ours ears on daily basis and many forget to even think about music as of a major source of energy, joy and inspiration... and fucking heat, too!

As a matter of fact, it has been turned into something that steals our energy and replaces it with stress and discouraging examples of what making music leads to. All kinds of false notions of joyless, artificial, pseudo-mythology are now firmly attached to it... Celebrity lifestyle, VIP status, acting like an asshole - all these notions seem to be inseparable from music making these days. Many fall for it just to be spat out with a raped and destroyed sense of self-worth. Kids start bands often motivated by fame alone. Of course, many great famous brothers, like Stravinsky or Josef Boyse, for example, succeeded in turning fame into a vehicle of positive energies and spreading great progressive shit. But it is perhaps, worth to mention that mechanics of modern fame have changed from its original oral tradition drive, which produced legends, anecdotes, good word, etc... Mechanics of modern fame are fueled by media and media alone and nobody in their fucking right mind, of course, would start passing legends about, for example, The Strokes... or their twin sister Britney Spears.

But getting back... it is as easy as one plus fucking three. The more sources of inspiration you have, the better off you are; the happier you go through your day towards a more enjoyable night; the better you generally walk through the fire; and so on life-ward to the next drink (Russell's 'Strategies of Being'). But economics these days so strongly rule the arts, and for obvious reasons favor English-speaking product, that it does not provide you with any info on actual real music at all. Even if you are a curious soul and ventured out to get something different, you very well end up with Buddha Bar or Putamya record products which promises you something exotic but basically are traps for yuppies who would like to fancy themselves cultured. That is basically like attending a belly dance class in Wyoming with the hopes to understand Muslims. Even if a good artist shows up on a compilation like that, after a label's re-mastered his work he comes across as nothing but an ass-licking background singing for Starbucks coffee shop. This situation also prolongs total ignorance and confusion. You'll find millions of people not knowing if they support or oppose Globalization simply because they dont know what it means, or, thanks to great products like Global Lounge compilation, you will find people who celebrate Globalization. And you’ll think, "Wow, man, I never thought that new Colonialism can be such a great cause for a party..."

Favoring of white, English-speaking product is often explained by patriotic or simply stupid arguments like, people can really understand this song. This is total fucking bullshit, for every scientist will tell you that sound is the purest form of information. The language barrier in the context of music does not exist. And majority of power is contained in fingers of a player and in the tone of his/her voice. This is why the emotional message of music is so instant and human. That's why the voice of Johnny Cash or Vladimir Visotsky goes unstoppably through anything to anyone, and meaning of music stands up in its full pride. Of course, lyrical content of a song may take it much higher, but not knowing English never stopped millions around the world (including myself) from growing up on rock 'n roll. So if you dont mind an extra fuel for your life you just may have to make music research your task, for information on good music is not provided, and not searching for it is basically stealing from yourself. Fortunately, most of us live in places where information, if not provided, is still accessible without riding a horse for a week. In some most animalistic highs, sometimes I dive with my ribs open out from the stage onto the table full of glasses and bottles. I'm pretty sure that if I would do it in silence, I would perhaps go straight to the hospital...

With our music, and music that we popularize, we try to reach out and remind people that, when taken out of the hands of a parasite, music is still a great lead into a democratic atmosphere of chaos, where moments of great freedom and where great friends could be found. And that in the world of rapidly dissolving authentic cultures, soul-searching through the music is something that connects you with the most authentic thing there - your savage heart.

Stay Strong and Fucking Enjoy,

P.S. And so to answer many questions at once, here is a list of music that we recommend and keeps us company on our tour bus and everywhere else we go: http://gogolbordello.com/hutzovina/recommended/

Of course we cant provide you with detailed information on where to get each and every album, for we are not a shop, but the albums recommended here are solid from the beginning to the end for the most part. It is a matter of individual feeling if you go completely nuts for it. Keep in mind also that many fantastic things are not mentioned simply because they are part of our previous or next tour bus collection... but if used wisely and with a good awareness of a sequence this collection alone can make you the best DJ in your fucking hemisphere!

Finished Aug 2003, Friday night, NY... all music is fucking yours.


Set List

Thanks to all who came out despite the dread of finals week! Big ups to Eat People and Red Collar for bringing the passion and energy all the way from Frederick and North Carolina repectively!

Here's the set list from last night's LATB show at the Calvert House Tavern:

Delivery Room
Winter Soldier
The Gloves Are Off
Affirm Life
Noise on Nightmare St
From Hunger


Lord Calvert's Exit Strategy

This just in: The Escape Artist has pulled out of the May 15th Calvert House show due to work conflicts.

As their name suggests, they are in the business of getting out of tight situations. Even Houdini would tell you that the physics of space and time don't allow you to be in two places at once albeit the will present.

All is not lost.

We hope everyone still comes out on Friday with their party socks on. A show with fewer bands means longer sets for the bands playing so we'll see what we can cook up in the cauldron for ya. We'll have some brand new shirts for y'all to check out as well as a new combat jam to rock to (fingers crossed).

Eat People!
Red Collar
Lonely are the Brave

Calvert House Tavern
6211 Baltimore Ave.
Riverdale, MD

Doors open at 9pm


Davey's letter to Martin O'Malley about Growth and Environmentalism

So I'm kind of an outspoken environmentalist. It takes up a lot of my time. I fought as hard as I could to stop the Inter County Connector. I even testified to the state appropriations committee when it was time for them to hear the bill to defund the road. Recently I have been trying to stop my campus the University of Maryland from developing it's last upland forested ecosystem. IT truly is a special area that has been benefited from the lack of attention the University Community has given it. There are species in this 22 acre forest that I have never seen in Maryland. We even found terrestrial orchid. Honestly, have you ever seen an orchid growing out of the ground in Maryland??? I didn't think so. Please read the article about my efforts in the Baltimore Sun. I posted the link. Sometimes I feel that these extremely diverse ecosystems need a voice in our economic world. I am trying to do just that with this battle. And I know that now is the time when we will finally win.

Sometime last week when I was on fire about this hillock issue I wrote an email to Martin O'Malley about our future growth in Maryland. It provides some insight to my stance and approach to life which represent why I am in a band called Lonely are the Brave. Being an outspoken activist really can be lonely, especially when it seems like no one cares about what your heart and mind are burning with.

Dear Governor Martin O' Malley,
I am a campus leader on sustainbility at the University of Maryland from Silver Spring. Most recently I have been fighting with a group of concerted students and faculty to save one of the last remaining forests on our campus. You may have seen us in the Baltimore Sun today.

University of Maryland is the states flagship University and should be the states example for how to plan growth. While the East Campus Redevelopment is smart and sustainable growth, the decision to relocate it's operating facilities to the campuses most productive, diverse and viable ecosystem is not. Environmental preservation should always be a part of the growth model and this decision shows that the sustainable paradigm shift is not happening, but rather is being championed to continue sprawl. Your decision to support the Inter County Connector, a decision that has divided my community in half makes me cry every time I go past the construction sites. This is not sustainable growth and I find it offensive that the people fighting against this road were not given the time of day by the state senate.

We share a vision for the future. A healthy bay that is providing a bounty of food for all in Maryland, to cut harmful greenhouse gases 25% by 2020, the chance to get kids out in the environment to connect with the natural world, and most importantly to balance our energy demand so that we can become energy independent. What I see from politicians now is that broad unattainable goals are set to satisfy the populous. When the tough decisions about land use or how to regulate farms runoff come to the table they are shied away from because they will upset people. I can't imagine what it's like to balance the interests of a whole state. I commend you for that.

It's time for the paradigm shift. We can't wait a minute longer. I am dedicating my life to this. You will see me working to organize and educate people about this shift as much as I can in the future. It comes down to the way we live our everyday lives. I implore you to reach out to our state and lead them to a more sustainable future by preserving green spaces wherever they exist; by creating a better, more timely public transit system that connects cities and population centers across the state instead of building more highways. We need forests in the suburbs. We need all of our riparian borders to be protected.

I appreciate all you have done for our state and all that you have done for our environment. I hope that we can talk about the paradigm shift one day in the future. Until then I am putting my shoulder to the wheel.

Have a Beautiful Day,
Davey Rogner ;)
University of Maryland, College Park
Environmental Restoration and Management Major
Environmental Affairs Liaison for the SGA
Member of Lonely are the Brave


Sailin' On

Greetings fans, friends, family, and anyone else who this concerns who may not fall into any of those categories.  This is Devin McKnight reporting live from Colesville, MD updating the public about my future plans.  For all of you who do not know yet, I have chosen to attend Berklee College of Music in Boston next fall to study music.  It's a four year program so I guess that means I'm a Bostonian for a while.  Unfortunately this will pull me away from a consistent union with my comrades Henry, Davey, Brendan, and Sam.  

As the weeks carry on, it has not yet hit me how this will feel when August comes around and I have to say good bye to so many awesome friends and the beautiful music scene we've built here.  I am envisioning a swift blow to my gut followed by a shuddering lower lip and about 15 minutes of tears.  Hopefully I will be in the company of loved ones (**hint: going away party... at Davey and Anjali's).
Thank you An Aria, Dark City, The Scare, Escape Artist, The Lost Tourists (*tear), Age Sixteen, North America (**tear), and any one else who I've missed.  Just a few years ago none of these bands were playing shows together and the collection of faces I see in the crowds at every show have developed into something that is really special to me, and I'll never forget this.  

I hope that everyone knows that from our end we have put our heart and souls into what you see at our shows.  Every song you hear us play, every t-shirt you wear, every cd you pop into your car stereo came from a very special place.... MY BASEMENT.... And several other basements as well.  We stay up til all hours of the night, argue with one another at practice and in the studio, argue with Kinko's employees, skip school and work (the list goes on) in order to make sure we get this thing right for you all and for ourselves.  I mean "what's a song without sacrifice?" And seriously nothing makes me happier than to see bammas crowd surfing in a seafood restaurant for us.  It really is a wonderful sight.

Thanks everyone for the memories and for rockin out hard for us.  LATB will still be in effect while I am gone in another form.  We will also be setting up shows in and out the area when I'm free on breaks.  All is not lost, and if it is, you fuckers better come to our shows in the next 5 months.   Combat Rap (our full length) is sounding incredible. I can't wait for everyone to hear what we've been working on all year.  Get ready for some unabashed hype and advertising.  It's gonna be sweet.

In conclusion I leave you with these words:

"And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:  "We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!  We're going to live on!  We're going to survive!" Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!"

--Bill Pullman President of the United States circa 1995... Beautiful man.

Peace y'all.  I look forward to playing for and with you all in the coming months.




Under Construction

Welcome to Combat Rap, the blog of D.C. area rock group Lonely are the Brave. This blog will serve as the home and jumpoff for LATB's internet division while we continue to construct our webpage www.lonelyarethebrave.net.

As you may know, Lonely are the Brave is currently working on their first full-length album Combat Rap. We are done with the instrumental tracks and are waiting to complete some of the vocals. Once the initial mix is done, we'll sit down and listen for a couple weeks to see what finishing touches are needed.

We are all excited for this album and think it will be real fun for everyone to listen to.

Stay tuned for a track list and release date. The release show/party is going to be off the chain!